In a heartening example that those in the UK (and even here in the States) would be wise and compassionate to follow, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, age 44, has given birth prematurely to a beautiful baby, despite the fact that eugenic wisdom says the baby should have been aborted because of the fact that it has Down's Syndrome.
Does anyone else think that Life Goes On should go back into syndication? I think if it did, we might start to see people with Down's Syndrome more often on the streets, as opposed to in the dumpsters behind Planned Parenthood...
Author's note: I am aware that I have no idea what parents who have children with Down's Syndrome are going through. I am also aware that every person whom I have met who has Down's Syndrome, without exception, has had the unique ability to temporarily snap me out of my cynicism and, for a brief moment, remind me that the world is good and beautiful. I need more reminders.
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