Sunday, January 25, 2009

How Many People Attended The March For Life?

Having looked at several sources, I've come up with quite a few different numbers of how many marchers peacefully employed their first amendment rights this past week in Washington on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. So far the only consistent number I have that day when it comes to protesters is the one nutjob who smashed his SUV into a Minnesota Planned Parenthood, effectively giving the media an excuse to focus on an extremist exception and ignore the rule. So far, here are the numbers I've found:
LifeSite- "definitely over 200,000"
CNN- "thousands"
Associated Press"- "Tens of thousands"
New York Times- "Tens of thousands"
CBS- "Tens of thousands"
Catholic News Service- "Thousands"
Crosswalk- "Tens of thousands"
Anyone notice a pattern?

If any of our readership was there and has an estimate as to the attendance, I would greatly appreciate the eyewitness information. As someone who is sometimes entrusted with disseminating things of interest to pro-lifers, it would be nice to get a little clearer of a picture here...

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