Right now, the closest-to-axiomatic thing I've figured out so far is what I'll call Swaim's Law Of Faux Revenge In Democracy, which for the time being states that When Democrats Are In Power, They Tend To Act Uncannily Similar To The Way Republicans Did When They Were In Power, And Vice Versa.
Case(s) in point: Like his predecessors, Barack Obama has offered jobs at the highest levels of his administration to a sleazy crew of rich, white tax evaders, the only one of which who has taken the job being the head of the IRS. Like most every presidential candidate in my lifetime, he's promised to keep lobbyists out of Washington, and yet he has hired over a dozen lobbyists to high positions (most recently Raytheon lobbyist William Lynn for deputy defense secretary). After George W. Bush advocated giving several billion dollars to the banking industry and it backfired, Obama is advocating an even bigger stimulus package that will, in the estimation of anyone with an elementary understanding of economics, also backfire.
The office of the vice presidency continues to be no longer a testing phase for the presidency, but rather the place where you put the wierdo that can't seem to fit into the political landscape anywhere else. And the president still whacks his head on the top of the helicopter entrance.
From an administration that defaulted to abstract and practically terms such as "compassionate conservatism," "stay the course" and "mission accomplished," we've transitioned to similarly meaningless phrases such as "yes we can," "change," and "transparency." I wish my AP English teacher would attack such empty rhetorick with the same red pen she took to my teenage essays and write "DEFINE YOUR TERMS" on the documents of our current politicians.
I was led to beleive that the methodology that I've been seeing in our nation's highest political office is merely what rich, white, entitled males do when they get power. I'm coming swiftly to believe, however, that this is just the way you act when you're President in the modern era.
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