Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yet Another Sign That Our Nation Is Going The Way Of The Roman Empire

We'll just let this puppy speak for itself:
The February 14 date of Alexander Wang's fashion show could not be more fitting for the unveiling of the limited-edition condom he designed in collaboration with Planned Parenthood. The Proper Attire rubbers will be sold at Thompson Hotels, with all profits going to Planned Parenthood. “When Planned Parenthood approached me to collaborate with them on a project that makes condoms more appealing to women, I loved the idea!" Wang said. "I used a spare design that felt sexy, modern and empowering; after all, women should always come first!” Damn straight. Get a side of condoms with your next cocktail at 60 Thompson. It's for a good cause.
This titillating article is courtesy of New York Magazine.

No jokes about the designer's name in the combox.

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