But unfortunately, I remain in LAST PLACE in the Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards in the category Best Potpourri of Popery. I look to you, my readership, to get me back in the ring to take another swing.
Also, I am trailing miserably in a fundraising competition between myself and our show's news director, Anna Mitchell, when it comes to rounding up monies for this year's 5k Run for Life to support Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. As such, I hereby solicit you, my loyal, unwavering, and ready-to-do-my-bidding readership to do the following: head over to MY PAGE and make a donation of either $5 or $10 in my name for this weekend's charity race. As I've stated before, charity or no charity, I'm in this thing to freaking win it. We get between 500 and 700 readers per day here, so if only half of you make $5 donations, I'll regain a comfortable lead.
A serious setback was suffered today, as Pope Benedict XVI made a donation in honor of me, but accidentally made it on Anna's page. Fortunately, this mistake didn't fall under the umbrella of faith and morals, nor was it an ex cathedra donation, so this error in no way constitutes a violation of the dogma of papal infallibility.
Deadline is Friday at 5pm. Make it happen, people.
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