Saturday, March 29, 2008

IOC To China: Keep It Live, Yo

The International Olympic Committee, in what appears to be an attempt to keep Big Brother's Beijing Bureau honest, is lobbying that the broadcast of the torch lighting ceremony and other various Olympic events be transmitted live, regardless of whatever peasant-beating protests may be impending. French president Nicholas Sarkozy, in a surprising display of backbone, has been suggesting using his influence with the European Union to coordinate a boycott of the games. We'll see how all that works out.

Here in the states, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who years ago traded her soul and used the rebate money to purchase a rather unconvincing plastic smile) had the following input to offer about a potential U.S. boycott of the Olympics:
"I believe a boycott of the Beijing Olympics would unfairly harm our athletes who have worked so hard to prepare for the competition."
That's right. we wouldn't want anyone to be unfairly harmed here. Let the peasant beatings recommence!

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