Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Predict 2009

Over at Creative Minority Report, fantastical and potentially accurate predictions have been flying like drunken finches as to what may or may not transpire in the coming calendar year. As they have done so many times before, they've once again inspired me. Hence, without further ado, here are a few of my predictions as to what will happen in 2009:
1. Barack Obama won't get busted over this Blagojevich nonsense. But Rahm Emanuel is dead meat.

2. The guy that is trying to clone and give life to a wooly mammoth and a sabretooth tiger will finally do so. And they will kill him.

3. There will still be a relatively significant number of cars driving around with "Kerry/Edwards" and "1/21/2009" bumper stickers long past the inauguration of Barack Obama.

4. We will once again not go to the moon.

5. Madonna will be even scarier looking.

6. China will purchase the United States at well below market value.

7. Public indignation at pedophiles will rise. Also, childrens' clothing will become more skanky.

8. Bill Clinton will die. Mysteriously.

9. Hollywood political pretenderhood will reach new heights of ridiculousness. Musical or theatrical talent will increasingly be culturally percieved as superior to a degree in political science.

10. The sins of the Bush administration will be naively overcorrected by the institution of full-on socialism.
Feel free to add your own predictions in the combox below...

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