Saturday, June 6, 2009

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Mainstream Christianity is always trying to keep up with the secular Joneses. This week, it appears that the Christian Brett Michaels has married the Christian Pamela Anderson:
She was a call girl working the streets of Sin City. He's a guitarist in a heavy metal band. They found commonality in their Christian faith and Friday evening, the two were married in a Las Vegas, Nevada, ceremony broadcast live via the Web.

Annie Lobért, who founded Hookers for Jesus, and musician Oz Fox of the Christian band Stryper said their "I do's" at the Church of South Las Vegas in front of an applauding crowd and an audience on the Internet.
Whether it's watching Franky Schaffer brand himself as a hatemonger, watching Stephen Baldwin baptize Spencer from "The Hills" while Sanjaya reads the Gospel, or watching a dude from Stryper marry a Christian hooker, you just can't predict what American religion will come up with next...

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