Sunday, October 5, 2008

One Word Movie Meme

Eegahinc at B-Movie Catechism did this far more masterfully than I am capable of doing, but following his suggestion that others who have yet to participate do so now, here are my responses to the following meme, which requires that I answer all of the following questions using only one word movie titles:
01. Where is your cell phone? ABYSS
02. Where is your significant other? FACULTY
03. Your hair color? GREASE
04. Your mother? FIRM
05. Your father? PATRIOT
06. Your favorite thing? AMISTAD
07. Your dream last night? GREMLINS
08. Your dream/goal? WITNESS
09. The room you're in? BIRDCAGE
10. Your hobby? DOGMA
11. Your fear? GATTACA
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? FUGITIVE
13. Where were you last night? TRAFFIC
14. What you're not? BATMAN
15. One of your wish-list items? TRANSFORMERS
16. Where you grew up? SUBURBIA
17. The last thing you did? CONTACT
18. What are you wearing? JAWS
19. Your TV? SAW
20. Your pet? SHREK
21. Your computer? CLICK
22. Your mood? SCROOGED
23. Missing someone? GHOST
24. Your car? 300
25. Something you're not wearing? ENOUGH
26. Favorite store? COCKTAIL
27. Your summer? ARMAGEDDON
28. Love someone? BEDAZZLED
29. Your favorite color? BEAN
30. When is the last time you laughed? TWISTER
31. Last time you cried? TOMBSTONE
As usual, my responses reflect my penchant for blockbusters. Feel free to link your own responses to this meme in the combox below if you decide to follow suit.

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