Friday, October 3, 2008

Life League to Legislative Leadership: Pull Planned Parenthood’s Pork

Ah, Planned Parenthood. How you so notably tried to weasel taxpayer funding for yourself, lo, unsuccessfully, into the latest war funding bill. Now, watchdogs are asking that the scandalous $700 billion banking and housing bailout fiasco includes language that makes sure you don't try to sneak your hands into the cookie jar again:
We are calling on Congress to ensure that Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates do not wind up with windfall profits from this Act," said Jim Sedlak, president of American Life League.

"In the past," said Sedlak, "Planned Parenthood has been very adept at exploiting large bills such as this to obtain more money for its coffers. It took in $336.7 million in taxpayer funding last year and is crying for more. We are asking members of Congress to add the following 18 words to this Act:

"None of the funds made available under this Act shall be available to Planned Parenthood for any purpose.

"As Planned Parenthood comes under increasing scrutiny for its financial dealings with the government," Sedlak continued, "it only makes sense to be cautious and make sure that none of the $700 billion in this Act will reach the organization in any way. This is a common-sense addendum to the Act, and we trust members of Congress will do the right thing."
Not that Planned Parenthood is the only greedy mouth sucking from the government teat at the 40+ hourly wage slave's expense.

Leave it to a crisis in McCain and Obama's portfolios to finally become bipartisan on the one issue they care about the most.

Dear bailout balloters: pull the pork and put it back in my sandwich.

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