Not sure what the title of his speech was, so I'm affectionately calling it "American Hellfire: How Our Federal Fiascos Are Failing The Founders."
Turns out this was not an actual political rally, but in fact an alumni weekend for Midwestern Baptist College, and Pastor Chuck was something of a penultimate attraction before the evening's keynote speaker, who appeared to be a revival preacher of some kind. I could be wrong. Suffice to say that my wife and I in our T-shirts and jeans stuck out like sore Catholic thumbs in the sea of waist-length hair and shoe-length dresses on the women's side, and the sea of glittering tie-clasps on the men's side.
However, Pastor Chuck did not disappoint, at least in terms of vigor and force. I did, however, spend most of the talk thinking about how Ron Paul is a much more convincing orator, and less prone to emotional appeals. Ah, well.
I've decided the best way to critique this rally would be to list the pros and cons of what I saw from Pastor Baldwin:
-Affirmed the sanctity of all human life, unborn, poor, or otherwise marginalized
-Expressed disappointment in attempts to secure Iraq's borders while leaving our own undefended
-Expressed disappointment in rewarding financial irresponsibility with billions of taxpayer dollars
-Expressed his presidential preference for an unbeliever who followed the constitution to a believer who disregarded the constitution
-Lamented the growing scope of government
-Even more theocratic than Barack Obama
-Total Calvinist
-Louder than Joe Biden
-Lauded Daniel Webster and other Freemasons
-Made the outrageous claim that Baptist (actually Congregationalist) minister John Langdon was solely responsible for making sure that Thomas Jefferson wrote religious liberty into the Constitution.
Bottom line: we're still voting for Joe.
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