Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dear Nancy Pelosi: Thomas Aquinas Has Left You Something In A Yugoslavian Dream Mailbox

Looks like the Serbian version of C. Everett Koop...

It took a dream about the Angelic Doctor to convert one of Eastern Europe's most notorious abortionists to pro-life advocacy. Stojan Adasevic is now one of the most outspoken advocates for the unborn in Serbia, and claims that St. Thomas appeared to him because he wanted to set the medical record straight:
“Influenced by Aristotle, Thomas wrote that human life begins forty days after fertilization,” Adasevic wrote in one article. La Razon commented that Adasevic “suggests that perhaps the saint wanted to make amends for that error.”
Now if we could just get the pro-abort Catholic political bloc to update their agendas...

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