Sunday, November 23, 2008

Upon The Feast Of Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro

Catholic Online offers the following glimpse of Miguel's ministry in Mexico in the 1920's:
The churches were closed and priests went into hiding. Miguel spent the rest of his life in a secret ministry to the sturdy Mexican Catholics... He adopted many interesting disguises in carrying out his secret mininstry. He would come in the middle of the night dressed as a beggar to baptize infants, bless marriages and celebrate Mass. He would appear in jail dressed as a police officer to bring Holy Viaticum to condemned Catholics. When going to fashionable neighboorhoods to procure for the poor, he would show up at the doorstep dressed as a fashionable businessmam with a fresh flower on his lapel. His many exploits could rival those of the most daring spies. In all that he did, however, Fr. Pro remained obedient to his superiors and was filled with the joy of serving Christ, his King.
Note the policeman strolling behind him in the photo above, and the gloriously brazen smile beneath Miguel's false moustache.

Martyred by a Mexican firing squad in 1927.

Viva Cristo Rey!

And more reading material on the subject (since Christmas approaches rapidly...):

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