Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Remember, Remember, The Fifth Of November

Author's note: We posted this last year, but we are too overwhelmed with Other Stuff to write anything fresh right now. More later.

This day in history in 1605, Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby, English Catholics, attempted to blow up Parliament under the torturous reign of James I. Captured before they could accomplish the task, they were executed quite publicly. To commemorate the event, every Guy Fawkes' day, English protestants often burn either Fawkes or the Pope in effigy.

As a playful counter to the above tradition, John Zmirak suggests the following practice in The Bad Catholic's Guide To Good Living:
"Why not get the baking enthusiasts in your family (i.e., the girls) to make a House of Parliament out of gingerbread? Find pictures of these exquisite Gothic buildings on the internet and make the best copy you can, lovingly adding details with the icing, perhaps evevn forming a tiny James I out of Marzipan. Unveil it at the outset of tonight's family dinner, or at a gathering of friends. As dinner unfolds, tell the story of Guy Fawkes and his friends. Then for dessert, take the gingerbread Parliament outside, stuff it with M-80 fireworks, and blow it all to hell."

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