I've been meaning to post more on the Democratic candidates ahead of the 2008 presidential election, but to be honest, the Democratic race is just plain old not very entertaining to me. I'm one of those folks who considers making fun of Hillary Clinton about as low culture of an activity as listening to Nickelback, raving about "Wicked," or making fun of George W. Bush. Intelligence is not a pre-requisite to participation.
However, through the way-preparing of Jeff Miller, I have stumbled across something that has finally, for me, made Barack Obama an entertaining figure that has drawn my eye, at least momentarily, away from the Republican vaudeville act; an ingenious little blog titled "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?"
Note: this is not a parody site. The blog consists of nothing more than actual posters, interviews, and articles written about Barack Obama that have used Messianic imagery or language. It's stunning. What's most stunning is that people use said Messianic language in an unscripted and unprodded manner. Read for yourself, and emit your own set of tears of laughter or tears of despair:
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