Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shooter Speaks: Wright Is A Wringer For The Billary Dynasty

Anyone who knows me knows that I love conspiracy theories, and Mr. WAC over at Fish in a Barrel has a doozy:
Could it be that party operatives in favor of Clinton have used their contacts in these organizations to feed Wright’s insatiable urge for self promotion in order to kill the Obama campaign in favor of Clinton? It has certainly given Hillary plenty to react to in soundbites over the last two news cycles. In any case, the fact that someone has let Wright out of his cage, or, perhaps, that the Obama campaign can’t keep Wright in his cage, is highly suspicious.
I had the same suspicion myself, Mr. Fish In A Barrel. In the meantime, we hold fast to the conviction that we're Voting For Joe.

Upon The Feast Of St. Catherine Of Siena

"Busdriver, MOVE THAT PAPACY!"

Monday, April 28, 2008

Upon The Feasts of St. Louis Marie De Monfort, St. Peter Chanel, And St. Gianna Beretta Molla

Saints alive, what a lineup!

John Hagee Rises Yet Again In My Estimation

I know that on many subjects, John Hagee and I are just one momma joke away from fisticuffs. However, recent developments, beginning with the McCain endorsement fiasco, have checked my agression against Pastor Hagee even further.

Hagee writes the following in an editorial published by the Washington Times:
My reaction to Pope Benedict"s visit may surprise some who have come to accept certain caricatures of my views of the Catholic Church. But as I have noted from the start, my critics have ignored the real point and strong emphasis of my words. I have indeed been quite zealous about condemning the past anti-Semitism of the Catholic Church. But I have been equally zealous in condemning Protestant anti-Semitism. Furthermore, as I noted in my 2006 book "Jerusalem Countdown," I have long viewed Pope John Paul II and now Pope Benedict XVI as partners in this "righteous work" of overcoming our shared legacy of Christian anti-Semitism.
And while most real anti-semitism that has been leveled at the Catholic Church by Rev. Hagee has been on the mob level (shame on you anyway, Ferdinand and Isabella), Hagee's charity shines through in this letter, and I wonder if Deal Hudson is smiling back warmly somewhere.

In closing, Hagee offers this appeal, which I think all would be wise to take to heart:
We were all inspired by Pope Benedict's visit. It is my prayer that we will now follow his example and look beyond our differences to see that when it comes to the great challenges of our times, people of faith have much in common.
Doff of the mitre to you, Pastor Hagee.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Upon The Feast Of St. Mark The Evangelist

"Now a young man followed him wearing nothing but a linen cloth about his body. They seized him, but he left the cloth behind and ran off naked." (Mark 14:51-52)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Evangelical" Remains A Useless Term That For Some Idiotic Reason Continues To Be Used

Talk about the media (and the Christian media, no less!) not "getting" religion...

A recent article in the Christian Post expressed the notion that "evangelicals," whoever they may be, had mixed reactions to the Pope's visit. An example of two of the "evangelicals" that are representative of the label assigned by the Christian Post are Rev. Richard Cizik from the National Association of Evangelicals and Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Mohler has consistently criticized the NAE, stopping short of calling them communist pinko meatheads. The president of Southern Seminary has zero interest in ecumenism, let alone interreligious dialogue. The NAE, on the other hand, tends to consider themselves part of the world, and approach their evangelism from a more thoughtful and careful point of view, and are often self-effacing in the way they account for themselves. Find me a self-effacing soundbite from Dr. Mohler, and I'll give you a dollar. These two models of Christianity differ fundamentally on the way they believe evangelism should look. Why, if these people are defined by the manner in which they spread the gospel, should the NAE, an organization once headed by a first class ethical mind like Dr. Francis Beckwith, and Southern Seminary be painted with the same sociological brush?

I'm not a man who ordinarily advocates for new terminology. But in this case, the idea of painting any Christian who isn't Catholic and isn't left of Jim Wallis as "Evangelical" is just unfair. We need new categories, or at least need to re-evaluate the ones we have.

Upon The Feast Of St. George

Watch your back, Trogdor.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear Governor Palin: Thank You For Not Killing Your Baby For The Sake Of Convenience

In a heartening example that those in the UK (and even here in the States) would be wise and compassionate to follow, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, age 44, has given birth prematurely to a beautiful baby, despite the fact that eugenic wisdom says the baby should have been aborted because of the fact that it has Down's Syndrome.

Does anyone else think that Life Goes On should go back into syndication? I think if it did, we might start to see people with Down's Syndrome more often on the streets, as opposed to in the dumpsters behind Planned Parenthood...

Author's note: I am aware that I have no idea what parents who have children with Down's Syndrome are going through. I am also aware that every person whom I have met who has Down's Syndrome, without exception, has had the unique ability to temporarily snap me out of my cynicism and, for a brief moment, remind me that the world is good and beautiful. I need more reminders.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Papal Zinger Bleg

This is a bleg to solicit from you, the readership of this blog, submissions of your favorite papal one-liners from the pope that can't be summed up in one-liners, our Holy Father, Benedict XVI.

My own submission:

"...(A)uthentic freedom is not an opting out. It is an opting in; nothing less than letting go of self and allowing oneself to be drawn into Christ’s very being for others." (Youth Rally at St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, NY)

Upon The Feast Of St. Anselm Of Canterbury

"O Lord, we bring before you the distress and dangers of peoples and nations, the pleas of the imprisoned and the captive, the sorrows of the grief-stricken, the needs of the refugee, the impotence of the weak, the weariness of the despondent, and the diminishments of the aging. O Lord, stay close to all of them. Amen."

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Editor's note: we originally published this little eye-opener on this date a year ago. However, we feel its republishing might serve as a good refresher.

Too many bizarre associations (burnout ones aside) with April the 20th exist. Some are epic, and some tragic. However, stars seem always to align to etch 4/20 (and often 4/19) into our brains.

Significant events occurring on 4/19 and 4/20, in no particular chronology, include:

-The school shooting at Columbine (4/20)

-The Oklahoma City bombing (4/19)

-Adolf Hitler's birthday (4/20)

-The Battles of Lexington and Concord that would begin the American Revolutionary War (4/19)

-David Koresh's compound in Waco, Texas bursts into flame, killing all inside (4/19)

-Bay of Pigs invasion fails (4/20)

-Benedict XVI elected pope (4/19)

-A killer rabbit attacks then-president Jimmy Carter in his fishing boat (4/20)

- Prophet Mohammed's birthday (4/20, but date disputed)

-Charles Darwin dies (4/19)

How Do They Find These Things?

The boys of Creative Minority Report have unearthed this clip, wherein Senator Obama appears to use his right hand to express his true opinion of Senator Clinton, or at least the crowd seems to think so...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Caption Call

I never do this, but I'm stumped, and need help.

All I can come up with so far is "John Edwards, eat your heart out."

"Awesome Speech."

Heard this live. It was almost as great as the moment when Dubya uttered a Texas-style "Pax tecum" to introduce the Holy Father.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

This Day In History

Today is "Cosmonaut's Day" in Russia, also known as "Yuri's Night." It was April 12, 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first human being to visit outer space and orbit the Earth. However, as we all know, the whole thing was a fraud, and was actually taped in a basement in Moscow.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Take That, Evil Chinese Beast

A very well put piece by Susan Elfers from the Op-Ed section of today's Cincinnati Enquirer sums up all the reasons that I no longer fund The Revolution From The East:
Tibet - Since China invaded Tibet in 1950, the Chinese government has worked diligently to extinguish an ancient civilization and annihilate a cultural heritage. Over 20 years, 1.2 million Tibetans died as a result of China's policies. The Chinese are still imprisoning thousands of Tibetans for their political or religious activities; torture is carried out regularly; sexual assault is used to punish, humiliate and coerce nuns.

Religious persecution - Most Christians in China worship in secret. They must hold Mass in the middle of the night, changing locations to avoid police raids. Nearly 2,000 Christians are arrested in China every year.

Death penalty - An estimated 7,000 to 8,000 prisoners were executed in China in 2006, about 22 people per day. About 70 crimes are punishable by death, including tax fraud, embezzling, accepting bribes and drug-related crimes.

Free speech - The Chinese government has the most sophisticated apparatus blocking or banning hundreds of Web sites in China. Web sites containing the search results for such words as "freedom" and "human rights" are censored.
They also block access to thousands of news Web sites and jam the international radio stations of Chinese and Tibetan language programs.

Forced abortions - China's one-child family planning has resulted in forced abortions, infanticide and imbalanced boy-girl ratios. Women in China who have not been given approval by their government to give birth are forced to have abortions as late as nine months into the pregnancy.
Additionally, here's a link to a petition to get President Bush to personally boycott the Beijing Olympics. This is the chance for all you anti-political types out there to participate in the process without having to actually vote, so don't let it slip away...

Getting Batman And The Hulk Back Into Full Communion

It's a little known fact that they're fallen away Catholics. Additionally, Superman's Methodist, Beast is Episcopalian, and the Mormons can claim the Wonder Twins. All this information comes from adherents.com, which has used references from comic books to affiliate dozens of characters with various religious groups. It's worth checking out for those of you who have always been curious of the eternal destinies of fictional souls.

And there is also this little tidbit on the site:
Most people familiar with comics are aware that the Comics Code restricted content such as nudity, drug use, graphic sex, etc. The Comics Code also featured specific restrictions about religious content. For many years, part of the reason that there was effectively a "religion taboo" that severely limited overt recognition of real-world religious affiliation among comic book characters was that the Comics Code that the major publishers adhered to specifically prohibited many types of religiously-oriented content. Such prohibitions may have been inspired by the Hayes film code, which contained very similar restrictions against negative portrayals of clergy and real-world religious denominations. Religious restrictions were still in the Comics Code in 1989.

P.S.:Bibleman, for the record, is Baptist.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Better English Than Pope John Paul II

To me, JP2 always sounded like dracula. Must be a Polish thing.

Consider yourselves greeted.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Upon The Feast Of St. Julie Billiart

"I ought to die of shame to think I have not already died of gratitude to my good God."

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Charlton Heston Crosses Over

To where, only the God of Moses knows. In the meantime, beloved reader Jimmy is left with a quandary as to whom to vote for in the next presidential election. Chuck, from all the staff and readership here at Apoloblogology, here's hoping you requiscat in pace.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Poll Results: Joel Osteen Vs. Barack Obama (Ralph Waldo Emerson Edition)

67% of you said Osteen.

33% said Obama.

Hate to break it to most of you, but it was Obama again. 67% of you have some research to do.

I'll admit those first several polls were maybe unnecessarily tricky. You might has well have asked whether they were said by Delilah or Robert Tilton. Maybe that's the point.

However, I've decided to make it a little easier on you by really tackling the hard-hitting issues head on, so do society a favor, and exercise your duty above in Joel Osteen Vs Barack Obama (Pro-Life? Edition).

Friday, April 4, 2008


The time has come to vote. No, we don't mean for that unimportant position as captain of the sinking national ship; we're referring to the 2008 Cannonball Catholic Blog Awards. We're nominated for "Snarkiest Catholic Blog," and so far we're lagging behind with only 7% of the vote. Demonstrate your allegiance to our Apoloblogological efforts by registering your approval on the sidebar at The Crescat. Show your support for hope, change, and Apoloblogologian way.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

And Now, Commentary Free, A News Item Too Strange To Be Invented

From the Washington Times:
India uses gun license as sterilization incentive
By Shaikh Azizur Rahman
March 29, 2008

NEW DELHI — Government officials in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh have begun offering fast-track gun licenses to men who agree to undergo sterilization, so they will not feel less manly.

The region is part of Chambal Valley, notorious for its rampaging gangs of robbers and bandits, and many villagers desperately want to possess firearms.

Vasectomy camps — regularly set up in many parts of the country as part of a solution to India's population explosion — often fail to meet their targets. Most men refuse to be sterilized, thinking the process strips them of their manliness.


After a survey found that most men refused vasectomies because they did not want to lose their "manliness," the government adopted a new strategy.

"We decided to match it with a bigger symbol of manliness: a gun license," Mr. Srivastava said, and "it has worked wonders."

Only eight men came for sterilization in the district last year. In the first 10 weeks after the plan was announced this year, more than 200 men have undergone vasectomies and many others are waiting, he said.


"...as soon as the offer of a gun license was announced, people threw away all worries and began responding to our program enthusiastically," said one family planning official.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hagee Vs. Hudson: The Gloves Come Off

Also, to the surprise of many, the fists unclench.

In a bewildering twist of events, Catholic journalist Deal Hudson recently interviewed Pastor John Hagee, whose anti-Catholicism was denounced by John McCain after an endorsement of the Republican presidential candidate. The sit-down covered a number of topics, and, some say, went a long way toward bridging an ecumenical divide.

Hagee suffers from a crippling naivete on certain matters, as evidenced by his knee-jerk response to the reason for the meeting:
"Deal, how can people think I am anti-Catholic when my wife is an ex-Catholic, and a third of my congregation are former Catholics?"
He's like a marshmallow covered jawbreaker, for crying out loud!

I feel a genuine compassion for the man, despite the fact that I've at times been driven up the wall by his code-cracking approach to the book of Revelation. One at times forgets that talking heads are attached to human bodies, indwelt by human souls. I think of my own ivory tower isolationist tendencies when I read things like the following:
Hagee not only recognized why his account could look one-sided, but he also admitted that he knew little about the heroic efforts of many Catholics to defend the Jews, especially during World War II. I gave him a copy of the encyclical read from the pulpit of every Catholic Church in Germany in 1937, Mit Brennender Sorge ('With Burning Concern- an encyclical against Nazism),of Pius XI. I explained to him that the author was actually Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pius XII, and how Jews welcomed his election because he was already known as their defender.
Hagee also confessed to Hudson that he had never heard of Maximillian Kolbe, or any of the other thousands of priests and religious who were rounded up and executed alongside Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

I had the opportunity to draw up a radio interview for Hudson this morning, and, for someone who had been presumably numbered among the blood-drinkers of the martyrs by Hagee, Hudson was surprisingly gentle in his criticism of Hagee's antagonism. The two exchanged literature, and Hudson spoke warmly of the charity that Hagee had extended to some Ursuline nuns a few years back.

There was an embittered time in my life when the Falwells, the Bakers, and the Hagees of this world were destined for an unending flamebath, according to my own ruling from my self-appointed judgment throne. Hate is much easier than love. These days, I'm more prone to remember that I'm sitting in someone else's seat, and will have to get up when He arrives.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An Observation

Most people, when they want to mask the smell of marijuana, do so by lighting incense. The people in my apartment do so by frying chicken.

The Anniversary Of A Gremlin Invasion

Unfortunately, we're not talking about Gizmo or Stripe. The fact remains, however, that on April 1, 1970, AMC released their first subcompact car, the Gremlin, on this day in history some 38 years ago.

"Currently residing in the 'where are they now' file..."