Wednesday, September 24, 2008

See, I Told You The Da Vinci Code Was Dangerous

A 68-year old Peruvian priest is in critical condition after being stabbed in the neck by a 25-year old man who had just finished watching The Da Vinci Code. Raiding the attacker's apartment, the police found some other interesting things:
At his flat nearby, where he lived with his mother Paola, investigators found material on the Apocalypse and the anti-Christ, and the telephone number of L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper.

There was also a large reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, which is at the heart of the mystery in The Da Vinci Code, with a note pointing to one of the disciples reading: "This is the hand in which a knife is hidden".

Police also found a box on which was written "In here are the keys to the Sixth and Seventh Seals, closed by order of Satan and Jesus Christ. Give all these things to the Pope."

A rambling note read: "Between my death and my return many grave events will take place, years will pass, perhaps centuries. Christianity will be reviewed in the light of the new alliance between Jesus and the Madonna". Other notes referred to Islam, Satanism and robots.
Where does one begin? Perhaps with prayers for the Pastor who is the victim of the deluded agressor, and for the agressor himself...

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