Sunday, September 21, 2008

How I Spent My Saturday Afternoon

Yesterday, Trinity Baptist Church down the street from me hosted "Fall Brawl 2008," an evangelistic effort to the neighborhood that included Christian wresting, rap music, and free food. Naturally, I attended.

As I explained to some, I was thinking this would be a good versus evil skit format, possibly with a Christ figure being bodyslammed by a Satan figure, staying down for a three count, and then getting up and putting the serious hurt on the Satan figure. No such drama was enacted.

However, it was a good opportunity to look into the subculture of Christian wrestling, and even into the more narrow subculture of Christian women's wrestling. I think there's definitely an opportunity here to do some academic work on Christian wrestling while tying in the phone book-ripping Power Team's evangelistic approach as well. Get to work, scholars of American religion.

For a full slide show, complete with commentary from yours truly, head to my photobucket account.

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