Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fr. James Martin Versus The View

In yet another bigoted and ill-informed cackle session, The View's Joy Behar said the following things about members of a religion who probably won't blow them up:
"I have a theory that you can't find any saints any more because of psycho-tropic medication. I think that the old days the saints were hearing voices and they didn't have any thorazine to calm them down. [laughter] Now that we have all of this medication available to us, you can't find a saint any more."
In much more charitable fashion than I myself could probably ever summon, Fr. James Martin, S.J., from America Magazine goes line by line through the ignorance with Aquinas-style reasoned rebuttals. I commend his charity and his clarity, but I would warn him using the words of a wise former roommate: arguing with these kinds of people is like wrestling with a pig; you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.

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