Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let The Bodies Split The Door

Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk of Cincinnati has made national headlines by forbidding Catholic schools in Cincinnati from seeing "Bodies: The Exhibition" at the Cincinnati Museum Center:
"The public exhibition of plasticized bodies, unclaimed, unreverenced, and unidentified... is unseemly and inappropriate."
What's so bad about displaying 'unclaimed' bodies obtained from a known gross human rights abusing country that has a history of arresting people for no reason and sending them to gulags, never to be heard from by their families again? 'Unclaimed,' indeed. Also 'unclaimed' is the money the Chinese medical facilities made selling these dead people, which I'm sure, if any 'claimants' inquire about, will be returned to the family so that they can pay for a dignified memorial...

I find it very interesting that there are several of these types of exhibits out there, and all of their bodies come from You Know Where.

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