Tuesday, January 22, 2008

CNN Gets What's Been Coming To Them

In an article published yesterday on CNN.com titled "Race or Gender?", CNN made the classic big-city media ivory tower mistake of looking at all the people on the ground and putting them in little mental boxes to ship to the doorsteps of various presidential candidates. The premise of the article was that black women were in a really tough position in the primaries, because they would be stuck between choosing between their race or their gender (a problem, I'm sure, that would be easily solved if Condoleeza Rice were running). One snappy reader captures in special candor the correct response black women should have to such an insulting gaffe on the part of CNN:
"Duh, I'm a black woman and here I am at the voting booth. Duh, since I'm illiterate I'll pull down the lever for someone. Hm... Well, he black so I may vote for him... oh wait she a woman I may vote for her... What Ise gon' do? Oh lordy!"
Perhaps this will be a wake up call to Democrats, who have abused the black and female vote the way Republicans have abused the Christian one. Wait a second, what are you supposed to do if you're black, female, and Christian?

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