Thursday, March 19, 2009

Enlightening The New York Times, Et. Al.

Rich Leonardi passes along some sanity from Joanna Bogle:
"Let's take the figures. The Phillipines and Thailand both reported their first cases of HIV in 1984. Thailand enacted a widespread condom-distribution programme. The Filipino government took a different approach - the Church had a considerable influence in what is a heavily Catholic country. Figures for 2005: Thailand's cases of AIDS 580,000; The population of the Phillipines , with a population of 84 million, just 12,000, or 0.03 per cent.

Evidence from Africa is interesting, too. Uganda, which was the first country to implement a non-condom approach, had a very low percentage of AIDS infection (4 per cent of the population). Swaziland - where there was a big condom-campaign: 42.6 per cent of the population."
Hey white people! Drop a pallette of condoms on Africa, and you won't have to actually address the AIDS crisis with critical thought!

I'm sure the warring rapist tribes of this violence torn continent will eliminate this viral expansion, as long as they use the "prophylactic tactic" before violating villagers.

Seriously- why hasn't the world come to understand that prevention (ACTUAL PREVENTION) is the best cure, instead of of putting a Scooby-Doo band-aid on the passionate erections of conscience-free sexual predators in Africa? What would happen if we flagged them there like they flagged them here?

A paradigmatic shift is the only way to solve the AIDS problem in Africa, not a latex endorsment of the current way of life.

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