Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Do Not Think That Means What You Think It Means

In case you don't want to sit through the CNN interview that Bill Clinton did with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the topic of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, I've gone to the trouble to excerpt the former president's thoughts on the issue of what "ethical" precautions the oversight committees should take when it comes to determining guidelines for the research:
"I think these committees need to make it clear that they're not gonna fool with any embryos where there's any possiblity, even if it's somewhat remote, that they could be fertilized and become human beings."
He and Hillary must be eating brownies out of the same pan these days. For those of you who failed sex-ed (or just snickered the whole time), an embryo is, by definition, fertilized. It is the successful union of sperm and egg.

It's incomprehensible to me that people who have this level of scientific understanding are being consulted for the determination of what is and is not scientifically permissible in the Brave New World.

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