Thursday, March 12, 2009

What My Democratic State Representative (Steve Driehaus) Sent To President Barack Obama Regarding My Tax Dollars Funding Overseas Abortions

Full text follows:
"Dear Mr. President:

"I am writing to express my disappointment in your executive order to rescind the Mexico City Policy which separated funding for abortion and family planning in America's foreign aid programs. I respectfully urge you to reconsider your position.

"First developed in the Reagan Administration, the Mexico City Policy separated family planning activities from abortion, therefore ensuring that groups who promote abortion as a method of family planning would not be able to fund their activities at the expense of American Taxpayers. The policy simply ensured that taxpayer money was not used abroad to fund highly controversial abortion providers. Its repeal sends the wrong message overseas that the United States promotes abortion.

"As a pro-life member of Congress, I have a deep respect for human life and am troubled by any policies that threatedn it. I appreciate your consideration of my position, and I look forward to working with you and your administration in the future.


Steve Driehaus
Member of Congress."
Here's hoping he actually sent the letter. It was forwarded to me in response to my disgust at the possibility of the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act. The letter I receieved directly from Congressman Driehaus in response to my concern indicated that abortion was "one issue among many," and that Brave New World experimentation on the most vulnerable in our society was acceptable, as long as more biologically mature Americans could get better health care service.

As someone who didn't vote for Driehaus, but rather for his opponent (Steve Chabot, the man who spearheaded the bill making it illegal to stab scissors in the back of a partially-born infant's head), I applaud his intestinal fortitude on this matter, which puts him obviously out of step with many in his party. I can only hope that his trajectory on other related matters remains consistent with his position on the above matter.

And I hope that his mailing is not a mere attempt to pacify me.

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