Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"He Hit Me Back First."

Creative Minority Report has the best response so far to the ahistorical smear job currently being filmed by Ron Howard, one that he'd never, EVER do against Judaism or Islam:
let's see how the press is reporting it:

Variety: "Catholic League to battle 'Demons'"
Hundu: "Angels and Demons" under Catholic attack
UK Guardian: Catholic League targets Da Vinci Code prequel
Variety: "The Catholic League plans to do battle with the Ron Howard pic "Angels and Demons"
National Post: Catholic League denounces Angels and Demons

Isn't the exact opposite of these headlines closer to the truth? Isn't the one who instigates usually assigned the action verb? But in this case the defense itself is seen as the aggression. Hmmm. Wonder why?

I'm trying to think of some other incidents in history which maybe could be turned upside down in a similar way:

1939: Poland Shoots at Visiting Nazis.
2005: Jennifer Aniston Undermines Angelina Jolie's Attempt at Relationship
33AD (Circa): Jesus Gives Pilate the Silent Treatment
1998: Kenneth Starr Has a Dirty Mind for Writing the Starr Report; Clinton Shocked (Oh wait, that was actually how the media really reported it at the time.)
64 AD: People Screaming "Fire!" Interrupts Nero's Concert
Touche. But remember, according to the Recieved Wisdom, a small fraction of Catholic priests (smaller, statistically, than schoolteachers or nondenominational pastors) once did some horrible things to children, for which non-guilty Catholic parties have apologized multiple times, so it's okay to proliferate whatever falsehoods one invents against this, the one institution on the face of the planet that has sexually violated more human beings than the cheerleading coach population and killed more people than Stalin- oh wait, nevermind, contradictory statistics are readily available through Wikipedia.

It's practically axiomatic that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It should also be axiomatic that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat themselves.

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