Monday, March 2, 2009

Upon The Feast Of St. Chad

The saint whose feast we observe today holds the unique distinction of being the only saint to have his own entry on Snopes. The mythbusting is connected with the fiasco surrounding the electoral dispute of 2000, when the word "chad" instantly evoked images of little pieces of paper that didn't punch out right:
Somewhere in the furor, someone noticed there had once been a Catholic saint of this name, and a hasty perusal of the details of his life appeared to link him to a disputed election. This link kicked in the irony afterburners. It didn't take long for statements of "St. Chad would be the perfect patron saint for disputed elections" to "St. Chad is the patron saint of disputed elections.
The "hasty perusal" referred to above was likely a reference to the fact that the liturgical norms of Chad's consecration as bishop were not observed, and that he was sent to fill the seat of a dead bishop who wasn't dead yet. Technically speaking, the Church doesn't recognize St. Chad as the patron saint of disputed elections, but I'm sure next time you find yourself in that kind of a situation, St. Chad wouldn't mind hearing from you.

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